Creamy Corn Soup with Beancurd and Cabbage and Sweet and Sour Fish

Soup: Creamy Corn Soup with Beancurd and Cabbage
Preparation Time: 5 min
Cooking Time: 15 min
Serves: 2

1 Can of Creamy Style Sweet Corn
1/4 box of beancurd, dice
5 leaves White Cabbage, wash and shred
4 cups of Water
3.5 tbsp of corn starch with 4 tbsp of water
Pinch of salt for seasoning to taste

1.  Put the creamy corn, water into a pot and bring to boil.
2.  Add in the beancurd and white cabbage and boil for 15 minutes.
3.  Sprinkle salt to taste and thicken with the corn starch mixture.
P/s: This soup is fresh and light which stimulates appetite.

Dish: Sweet and Sour Fish
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 15 min
Serves: 2

1 Frozen Fish Fillet
1/5 Green Pepper, slice
1/5 Red Pepper, slice
1/5 Yellow Pepper, slice
1 Egg, beaten
Potato Flour for coating

Sauce Ingredients:
1.5 Tbsp of Tomato Sauce
2 Tbsp of Plum Sauce
2 tsp of Sugar
5 to 6 Tbsp of Water

1.  Coat the fish slices with beaten egg and potato flour.
2.  Heat up 2 tbsp of oil and pan-fry the coated fish slices.  (You may prefer to deep fry if you want)
3.  Set aside the fish slices and leave 1 tsp of oil in the pan.
4.  Stir-fry the coloured peppers till fragrant.
5.  Add in the fish slices.
6.  Pour in the sauce ingredients and stir-fry till well combined.
7.  Simmer at low heat till the sauce is thicken.
8.  Dish up and serve.

Steamed Stuffed Layer Beancurd with Century Egg


1 piece Soft Beancurd in box (Sliced into 4 slices horizontally)
1 Century Egg (Shelled and Sliced)
2 Chillies (Optional, Sliced)

150 g Prawns (Shelled and Minced)
100 g Minced Meat
1 tbsp Chopped Coriander
1/2 tsp Chopped Carrot
1 tsp Corn Flour

1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Oil
1 tbsp Shaoxing Wine

Dash of Salt
Dash of Sugar
1/2 tsp Sesame Oil
Dash of Pepper

1.  Mix ingredients (B) with Seasoning and stir till sticky.
2.  Place a slice of beancurd on a plate and spread some filling (1) on it.
3.  Cover with another slice of beancurd and repeat the same step in (2) till beancurd are used.
4.  Arrange century egg on the surface over the beancurd.
5.  Sprinkle chillies onto to century egg.
6.  Steam over pre-heated steamer over medium high heat for 20 minutes or until cooked.
7.  Remove from heat and spoon in ingredients (C) and serve hot.