Black Pepper Bacon & Cheese Mini Muffins

These are savoury muffins but not many people who ate them are used to it.  However, the muffins are really very soft and fluffy.  This receipe is shared by Facebook baking friend, Lorna.  She uses curry powder but I substituted it with black pepper.

Yield: 20 Muffins


1 cup Fresh Milk
2 cups Plain Flour
1 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
2.5 tsp Cream of Tartar
1 tsp Salt
Dash of Black Pepper
125 g Oil
2 Eggs
1 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Chopped Large Onion
1 Cup Chopped Bacon


1.  Preheat oven to 200°C.
2.  Fry onion and bacon till onion is soft and leave to cool.
3.  Whisk fresh milk, oil and eggs till well blended.
4.  Sieve and fold in the flour, cream of tartar and baking soda into the mixture till you get a smooth batter. 
5.  Add in the salt and black pepper and mix well.
6.  Add in the cooled onion and bacon and shredded cheese.
7.  Evenly divide the batter into 20 muffin cups and bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

Ham and Cheese Loaf with Dried Parsley

Yield: 750 g Loaf


1 Egg Yolk + Fresh Milk (210 g)
230 g Bread Flour
70 g Cake Flour
30 g Sugar
4 g Salt
4 g Instant Yeast
18 g Soft Butter

3 Slices Picnic Ham (Chopped into small pieces)
3 Slices Cheese (Chopped into small pieces)
Dried Parsley

1.  Heat up milk and yolk to 38°C, using double boiling method.
2.  Add the milk mixture, yeast, salt, sugar, flour and butter into the Breadmaker.
3.  Set to Basic Function and 750 g loaf.
4.  Add the chopped ham, cheese and dried parsley after the beep.
5.  Loaf will be ready in about 3 hr 30 min time.

Ham and Cheese Buns

Yield: 8 Buns

1 Egg Yolk + Fresh Milk (210 g)
230 g Bread Flour
70 g Cake Flour
30 g Sugar
4 g Salt
4 g Instant Yeast
18 g Soft Butter
4 Slices Picnic Ham
4 Slices Cheese

1.  Heat up milk and yolk to 38°C, using double boiling method.
2.  Add the milk mixture, yeast, salt, sugar, flour and butter into the Breadmaker.
3.  Set to Dough Function.
4.  Remove from the breadmaker and punch out the air.
5.  Divide into 4 portions and let them prove for 15 min.
6.  Divide each portion into 2.
7.  Flatten a dough and place the ham and cheese on top.
8.  Roll it tightly like a swiss roll.
9.  Using a scissor, snip each roll into 4 parts at an angle (approx. 45°)
10.  Place them side by side like 4 quadrants.
11.  Let them prove for 45 min.
12.  Brush egg wash on the dough.
13.  Bake in preheated oven at 175°C for 20 min.

Oreo Cheesecake (No Bake)

A) For the base,

250g crushed Oreo biscuits
100g melted butter

Mixed them well n put in the 9″ springform tin and store in the fridge.

B) For the filling,

15 coarsely chopped Oreo cookies
500g Philadelphia cream cheese
1tbsp vanilla essence
50g icing sugar
400g to 500g whipped cream

Whip up the whipped cream n set aside. Spoon out a small bowl for piping decor.
Put cream cheese, vanilla essence n icing sugar in a big bowl n mix till well blended. Add in the whipped cream n mix till well blended. Fold in the chopped cookies n mix well. Pour into the tin and refrigerate it for at least 4 hrs. Decorate as u like.

*You can decorate it before u put in the fridge or after it set. But the Oreo cookies I used for decor was not crispy after overnight in the fridge.

Orange Tiramisu

Yield: 12 Servings


2 Egg Yolks
1/2 Egg
50 g Sugar
1 tbsp Orange Paste / Orange Juice
1 tbsp Grand Marnier (Optional)

250 g Mascarpone Cheese

1.25 tsp Gelatine
40 ml Water

200g Whipped Cream

Sponge Fingers

Coffee Syrup
200 ml Water
60g Sugar
5 tbsp Instant Coffee Powder
2 tbsp Coffee Liqueur (Optional)

150g Whipped Cream
1/2 tsp Coffee Paste
1.5 tsp Orange Paste

1.  Moist the sponge fingers with the coffee syrup and set aside.
2.  Whip (A) till light.
3.  Add (B) and mix till well blended.  Do not mix for too long as mascarpone cheese will curdle.
4.  Mix (C) and melt it over double boiler.  Add (C) into the mixture and mix till well combined.
5.  Add (D) and mix well.
6.  Pour one-third of cheese filling into a 9″ cake ring.
7.  Top it with the 1st layer of sponge fingers.
8.  Pour the 2nd one-third of cheese filling on top.
9.  Top it with 2nd layer of sponge fingers.
10.  Pour the remaining cheese filling on top and make it smooth.
11.  Refrigerate till firm (About 6 to 8 hours).
12.  Remove the cake ring and decorate as you prefer.

Featherlight Soft Marble Cheesecake

Yield: 10″ Cake Pan

500 g Fresh Milk
40 g Butter

250 g Cream Cheese

100 g Plain Flour

6 Egg Yolks
2 tsp Vanilla Essence

6 Egg Whites
1/2 tsp Cream of Tartar
160 g Sugar
Pinch of Salt

1 tsp Chocolate Emulco or Cocoa Powder

1.  Preheat oven at 160° and line the bottom of the pan with greaseproof paper.
2.  Cook (A) till it boils.
3.  Cream (B) till smooth.
4.  Pour (A) into (B) and mix till well blended.
5.  Add (C) and mix till well combined.
6.  Place it over double boiler ad mix till thickens.
7.  Remove from double boiler and mix in (D) till well combined.  Set aside.
8.  Whip the egg whites in (E) till foamy.
9.  Add in sugar, salt and cream of tartar and whip till soft peak.
10.  Mix in the cheese mixture from Step (7) till well combined.
11.  Set aside 200 g batter to mix with (F) to make chocolate batter.
12.  Pour the plain batter into the cake pan. 
13.  Drip the chocolate batter on top and swirl to make marble pattern.
14.  Bake in water bath for 50 to 60 minutes or till golden brown.
15.  Remove from cake pan immediately and leave to cool.

P/s: Leaving cake in pan to cool will cause it to shrink.