NDP 2012 Theme Logo Mango Cupcakes with Chocolate Filling

Yield: 5 Cupcakes

1 cold egg
92 g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
50 ml fresh milk
1/4 tsp ovalette
60 g castor sugar
1/4 tsp Mango Essence

Violet Colouring
Noel Red Colouring
Wilton White

1.  Preheat oven at 170°C if you are using steam bath baking.
2.  Mix all ingredients and beat with medium speed for 6 minutes.
3.  Take 1 Tbsp of batter and mix with a drop of Violet Colouring and a drop of Wilton white.  Put into a piping bag after mixing well.
4.  Take 2 Tbsp of batter and mix with 2 drops of Violet Colouring.  Put into a piping bag after mixing well.
5.  Take 2 Tbsp of batter and mix with 2 drops of Noel Red Colouring.  Put into a piping bag after mixing well.
6.  Fill a piping bag with remaining batter.
7.  Pipe the paper cups with original batter (about 2 to 3 tbsp).
8.  Put in some chocolate chips.
9.  Pipe in remaining original batter to cover the chocolate chips.
10.  Pipe the red heart with the Noel Red Colouring batter.
11.  Pipe the dark violet heart and stem with the Darker Violet Colouring batter.
12.  Pipe the light violet leaves with the lighter Violet Colouring batter.
13.  Bake the cupcakes in steam bath for 15 mins.  Alternatively, you can steam the cupcakes at medium heat for 12 to 15 min.

Hokkaido Chiffon Cupcakes with Lemon Curd

Yield: 9 Cupcakes


4 Egg Yolks
30g Sugar
30g Canola Oil
30g Fresh Milk
35g Cake Flour

4 Egg Whites
50 g Sugar
0.5 tsp Cream of Tartar

Lemon Curd Filling

1.  Preheat oven at 180°C.
2.  Beat the yolks and sugar till light and fluffy. 
3.  Whisk in milk and oil for 1 to 2 minutes.
4.  Sift in cake flour and mix well and set aside.
5.  Whisk the egg whites in (B) till soft peaks appear.
6.  Add sugar and cream of tartar and continue to whip till stiff.
7.  Divide the egg white batter into 3 portions to mix with the egg yolk batter till well combined.
8.  Fill the paper cups with the batter till 3/4 full.
9.  Bake in preheated oven for 15 to 18 minutes.
10.  Remove from oven and leave them aside to cool.
11.  Pipe in the lemon curd filling once the cupcakes are cooled.
12.  Refrigerate before serving.

P/s: You may replace the lemon curd filling with any other fillings of your preference and sprinkle with sifted icing sugar.  Original Hokkaido Cupcakes are filled with Custard Cream.