Lady Bug & Doraemon Cupcakes

Yield: 10 Cupcakes


2 cold eggs
185 g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
100 ml fresh milk
1/2 tsp ovalette
120 g castor sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence


1.  Preheat oven at 170°C if you are using steam baking.
2.  Mix all ingredients and beat with medium speed for 6 minutes.
3.  Take 3 Tbsp of plain mixture and put into a piping bag.
4.  Take 3 Tbsp of plain mixture and mix with coffee emulco or coffee paste and put into a piping bag.
5.  Half the remaining mixture and mix with strawberry emulco or strawberry puree and put into a piping bag.
6.  Mix the remaining mixture with food dye from blue flowers (blue colour paste if you don’t have) and put into a piping bag.

A)  Lady Bug:
1.  Pipe the pink mixture into a paper cup till 1/3 full.
2.  Pipe the upper half brown and draw a vertical line down.  Pipe 3 dots on each side.
3.  Pipe 2 white dots as eyes on the upper half brown portion.
4.  Pipe 2 brown dots as eyeballs on the white eyes.

B)  Doraemon:
1.  Pipe the blue mixture into a paper cup till 1/3 full.
2.  Pipe an oval shape about 2/3 of the face white.  And pipe two ovals as eyes.
3.  Pipe pink mixture as nose in between the two white eyes.
4.  Use the brown mixture to outline the eyes and white part of the face and draw the mouth and whiskers.

7.  Bake the cupcakes in steam bath for 15 mins.  Alternatively, you can steam the cupcakes at medium heat for 12 to 15 min.

Cute Waffles

Yield: 4 Clover Waffles or 3 Rilakkuma Waffles

1 cup Plain Flour
1.5 tsp Baking Powder
0.25 tsp Salt
1.5 tbsp Sugar
1 Egg, lightly beaten
1 cup Fresh Milk
2 tbsp oil

1.  Whisk lightly beaten egg and milk till fluffy.
2.  Sieve in plain flour, baking powder.
3.  Add in sugar and salt and stir to a smooth batter.
4.  Stir in the oil till well combined.
5.  Grease the pan with non-stick vegetable spray or oil.
6.  Heat up the pan with medium heat and fill it with the batter.
7.  Cook for about 5 to 6 minutes before flipping the pan.
8.  Cook till both sides of the waffles turn golden brown.