Ham and Cheese Loaf with Dried Parsley

Yield: 750 g Loaf


1 Egg Yolk + Fresh Milk (210 g)
230 g Bread Flour
70 g Cake Flour
30 g Sugar
4 g Salt
4 g Instant Yeast
18 g Soft Butter

3 Slices Picnic Ham (Chopped into small pieces)
3 Slices Cheese (Chopped into small pieces)
Dried Parsley

1.  Heat up milk and yolk to 38°C, using double boiling method.
2.  Add the milk mixture, yeast, salt, sugar, flour and butter into the Breadmaker.
3.  Set to Basic Function and 750 g loaf.
4.  Add the chopped ham, cheese and dried parsley after the beep.
5.  Loaf will be ready in about 3 hr 30 min time.

Ham and Cheese Buns

Yield: 8 Buns

1 Egg Yolk + Fresh Milk (210 g)
230 g Bread Flour
70 g Cake Flour
30 g Sugar
4 g Salt
4 g Instant Yeast
18 g Soft Butter
4 Slices Picnic Ham
4 Slices Cheese

1.  Heat up milk and yolk to 38°C, using double boiling method.
2.  Add the milk mixture, yeast, salt, sugar, flour and butter into the Breadmaker.
3.  Set to Dough Function.
4.  Remove from the breadmaker and punch out the air.
5.  Divide into 4 portions and let them prove for 15 min.
6.  Divide each portion into 2.
7.  Flatten a dough and place the ham and cheese on top.
8.  Roll it tightly like a swiss roll.
9.  Using a scissor, snip each roll into 4 parts at an angle (approx. 45°)
10.  Place them side by side like 4 quadrants.
11.  Let them prove for 45 min.
12.  Brush egg wash on the dough.
13.  Bake in preheated oven at 175°C for 20 min.