Luo Han Guo Apple Soup and Fish Fingers with Mayonnaise and Thai Chilli Sauce

Soup: Luo Han Guo Apple Soup
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 1o to 15 min
Special Utensil: Thermal Magic Cooker
Serves: 2

1 Large Red Apple or 2 Small Red Apples, quartered
1 Luo Han Guo, halved
100 g of lean pork meat, wash and soak in hot water
15 g Sweet Almonds
15 g Bitter Almonds
1 slice of Orange Tangerine
6 cups of Water

1.  Boil water in thermal cooking pot.
2.  Add all ingredients and bring to boil.
3.  Cook for 10 minutes and keep it in the thermal magic cooker.
P/s: You need to turn to low heat and simmer for 1 to 2 hrs if you are not using the thermal magic cooker.

Dish: Fish Fingers with Mayonnaise and Thai Chilli Sauce
Preparation Time: 5 min
Cooking Time: 10 to 15 min
Special Utensil: Happy Call Pan (HCP)

Serves: 2

4 to 6 Frozen Fish Fingers
1 Tomato, halved
Few slices of Cucumber for Garnishing
2 Tbsp Mayonnaise
2 Tbsp Thai Chili Sauce

1.  Heat up oil and pan-fry fish fingers till golden brown.
2.  Dish up, drain and set aside.
3.  Put the mayonnaise into half of the tomato and the Thai Chilli Sauce into the half.

Starry Pork Floss Buns

Yield: 5 Buns

1 Large Egg 
70 g Water
150 g Bread Flour
50 g Cake Flour or Top Flour
15 g Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
2 g Instant Yeast
15 g Soft Butter

Pork Floss

1.  Mix all ingredients in (A) in a breadmaker.
2.  Set to Dough Function.
3.  Remove from the breadmaker and punch out the air.
4.  Divide into 5 portions and let them prove for 15 min.
5.  Roll each dough into a ball.  Place in a greased star mould.
6.  Let it proof for 45 min.
7.  Brush the top with egg wash.
8.  Bake in preheated oven at 175°C for 20 min.
9.  Brush with mayonnaise and topped with pork floss when it is cooled.

Starry Starry Tuna Buns

Yield: 5 Buns

1 Large Egg 
70 g Water
150 g Bread Flour
50 g Cake Flour or Top Flour
15 g Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
2 g Instant Yeast
15 g Soft Butter

1 can Mayonnaise Tuna

1.  Mix all ingredients in (A) in a breadmaker.
2.  Set to Dough Function.
3.  Remove from the breadmaker and punch out the air.
4.  Divide into 5 portions and let them prove for 15 min.
5.  Roll each dough flat and put two heaped teaspoons of tuna and wrap into a ball.  Place in a greased star mould.
6.  Let it proof for 45 min.
7.  Brush the top with egg wash and scoop a bit of tuna onto the centre.
8.  Bake in preheated oven at 175°C for 20 min.