Cherry Pie

Yield: 10″ Pie Pan

380 g Plain Flour
80 g Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
240 g Butter
2 Egg Yolk

1 can of Pitted Cherry Filling

Crust (Both Top and Bottom):
1.  Combine flour, sugar and salt in ingredients (A).
2.  Rub in butter till well combined.
3.  Add in egg yolk to form dough.
4.  Cover in cling wrap and refrigerate

1.  Preheat oven at 180°C.
2.  Take out dough from fridge and divide dough into 2 portions.
3.  Roll out one portion of the dough and press into pie pan.
4.  Trim off edge and use a fork to prick holes on the dough.
5.  Spoon in the cherry filling (not too wet).
6.  Roll out the other portion of the dough and cover the filling.
7.  Seal up the pie by pressing the top dough to the bottom dough with a fork.
8.  Cut wordings and/or cartoon with the remaining dough.  (Optional)
9.  Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30minutes.

Apple Crumble Pie

Yield: 10″ Pie Pan

190 g Plain Flour
40 g Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
120 g Butter
1 Egg Yolk

5 Green Apples (Peeled and Diced)
2 tbsp Butter
100 g Sugar
40 g Raisins
1/2 tsp Cinnamon Powder
2 tbsp Plain Flour

150 g Plain Flour
40 g Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
75 g Butter

1.  Combine flour, sugar and salt in ingredients (A).
2.  Rub in butter till well combined.
3.  Add in egg yolk to form dough.
4.  Cover in cling wrap and refrigerate

1.  Heat up frying pan to melt butter and sugar.
2.  Add in apple dices and raisins.
3.  Stir-fry until apples are tender.
4.  Add in cinnamon powder and flour and stir well.
5.  Dish up and leave to cool.

1.  Combine flour, sugar and salt in ingredients (C).
2.  Rub in butter until resembles bread crumb.

1.  Preheat oven at 180°C.
2.  Take out dough from fridge.
3.  Roll out dough and press into pie pan.
4.  Trim off edge and use a fork to prick holes on the dough.
5.  Spoon in the filling.
6.  Sprinkle the crumble on top of the pie.
7.  Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 30minutes.