Szechuan Cai Spare Ribs Soup and Steamed Thai Sour and Spicy Fish

Soup: Szechuan Cai Spare Ribs Soup
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 1o to 15 min
Special Utensil: Thermal Magic Cooker
Serves: 2

1 Szechuan Cai, wash, soak to get rid of excess salt and cut into thick slices
1 Large Tomato, quarter
1 Clove of Garlic
6 pieces of Spare Ribs, wash and soak in hot water
1 to 1.5 tsp of Chicken Stock without MSG (I used powder form)
6 cups of Water

1.  Boil water in thermal cooking pot.
2.  Add all ingredients except tomato and bring to boil.
3.  Cook for 10 minutes and add in chicken stock and tomato.
4.  Stir and boil for 3 min and keep it in the thermal magic cooker.

P/s: You need to turn to low heat and simmer for 2 to 3 hrs if you are not using the thermal magic cooker.

Dish: Steamed Thai Sour and Spicy Fish
Preparation Time: 5 min
Cooking Time: 15 min
Serves: 2

1 Fresh Fish
1 Stalk of Spring Onions, chop
2 Tbsp of Thai Sour and Spicy Paste
1.5 Tbsp of water

1.  Give the fish 3 slits on both sides.
2.  Spread the Thai sour and spicy paste onto the fish.
3.  Heat up water in the steamer / wok / frying pan / HCP.
4.  Drizzle water on top of the fish.
5.  Steam for 12 to 15 minutes.

Spring Onions Buns

Yield: 8 Buns


1 Egg Yolk + Fresh Milk (210 g)
230 g Bread Flour
70 g Cake Flour
30 g Sugar
4 g Salt
4 g Instant Yeast
18 g Soft Butter

2 tbsp Mayonnaise
Spring Onions (Chopped into small pieces)
Sesame Seeds

1.  Heat up milk and yolk to 38°C, using double boiling method.
2.  Add the milk mixture, yeast, salt, sugar, flour and butter into the Breadmaker.
3.  Set to Dough Function.
4.  Remove from the breadmaker and punch out the air.
5.  Divide into 4 portions and let them prove for 15 min.
6.  Divide each portion into 2.
7.  Flatten a dough and roll it tightly like a swiss roll.
8.  Let it proof for 45 min.
9.  Meanwhile mix the mayonnaise and spring onions in ingredient (B).
10.  Brush egg wash on each dough.
11.  Spread the Spring onions mixture from Step 9 onto each proven dough.
12.  Bake in preheated oven at 175°C for 20 min.