Fruity Mini Muffins with Cranberries

Yield: 25 Muffins


250 ml Fresh Milk
2.5 cup Plain Flour
3/4 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Baking SodaIMG_4030
2.5 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 Cup Oil
3 Eggs
1.5 tsp Strawberry Essence
Dried Cranberries


1.  Preheat oven to 200°C.
2.  Whisk fresh milk, oil,eggs and strawberry essence till well blended.
3.  Add in sugar and mix well.
4.  Sieve and fold in the flour, baking powder and baking soda into the mixture till you get a smooth batter.
5.  Add in the dried cranberries.
6.  Evenly divide the batter into 25 muffin cups and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

Mango Napolitian Ice Cream Charlotte Cake for My Dad’s Birthday

My family and I only like the chocolate flavour as the strawberry and mango flavour still have the strong creamy, milky taste.

Yield: 10″ Square Ring

1 can Nestle Cream
200 ml Condensed Milk
300 ml Whipped Cream

3 tbsp Cocoa Powder
1 tbsp Strawberry Emulco
1 tbsp Mango Juice or Mango Essence
1/2 Mango cut into cubes

3.5 Mangoes (Sliced Thinly and pat dry with kitchen towel)
36 pieces of Cream Crackers
14 pieces of Sponge Fingers (Cut into Half)

1.  Whisk the whipped cream till thick and smooth.
2.  Mix nestle cream and condensed milk till well combined.
3.  Sieve the milk mixture from Step 2 into the whipped cream.
4.  Divide the cream mixture into 3 portions.
5.  Mix each portion with cocoa powder, strawberry emulco and mango juice respectively.
6.  Add mango bits into the mango cream.
7.  Set aside the 3 flavours cream.
8.  Place the square ring onto a 11″ cake board.
9.  Wrap around the ring with aluminium foil to prevent cream from seaping through.
10.  Cover the base with cream crackers.  Use a knife or scissors to cut to the desired size where necessary.
11.  Line the sponge fingers along the sides of the square ring.
12.  Pour in the strawberry cream and smooth out evenly.
13.  Place another layer of cream crackers.
14.  Place a layer of mango slices.
15.  Pour in the mango cream and smooth out evenly.
16.  Place another layer of cream crackers.
17.  Place a layer of mango slices.
18.  Pour in the chocolat cream and smooth out evenly.
19.  Place a layer of mango slices.
20.  Pipe wordings on the mango slices with melted chocolate.  (Optional)
21.  Keep in the freezer.

This cake is best to prepare at least one day in advance.  Take out from the freezer half an hour before cutting or transfer it to the fridge 3 to 5 hours before cutting.

Thank you Codyukie’s Kitchen for her Peach Charlotte Ice Cream Cake.

Strawberry Mousse Cake

230 g Strawberry Puree
30 g Sugar

2 .5 tbsps Gelatine
90 ml Hot Water

300 g to 400 g Whipped Cream

Strawberries for filling and decoration

1.  Use a ready bake sponge cake.  Slice it into 2 layers.
2. Cook (A) till it boils.
3. Mix (B) gelatine melts completely.
4. Mix Steps (2) and (3) till evenly blended.
5. Let it cool over ice water till it is room temperature.  Alternatively, you can put it in the fridge.
6. Whipped up (C).  Fill up a small piping bag for decoration if necessary.
7. Add the remaining Step (6) into Step (5) till well blended.
8. Place 1st layer of sponge cake on cake board.  Put a cake ring mould around it.  Cut strawberries into think slices and attach them to the side of the mould.
9. Put some cut strawberries onto the 1st layer of sponge cake and pour 1/2 of filling (Step 7) over it.
10. Top with 2nd layer of sponge cake and pour the rest of filling (Step 7) and smooth it.
11. Decorate with strawberries and whipped cream.
12. Refrigerate till firm or overnight.
13. Remove the cake ring.
14. Slice and serve.